Embracing never ending wants

     Everyday brings new opportunity says the world. Why not utilise it by dreaming big?
     By every step achieved, expectations somehow gets all levelled up for a new challenge. Tasks may come and go. Staying firm is what needed to be learnt. Stability and consistency along with firm determination does wonders.
     Even while buying a Lamborghini, the dream is to be popped in that direction. People say human wants never end. I say, why should it ? Wants brings about practicality in thinking which helps us to focus like a horse-eye.
      Failing and quitting are the options to be eradication and winning and achieving should be embraced by each individual.
Growth is essential, because even a lamp post stays at one place.
       So let's start adding dreams to our wishlist and keep pushing ourself more and more each day for consistent and fruitful outcome. 


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