IT'S OK...❤

       In today's competitive era where we are surrounded by bunch of leg puller, back bitcher, someone who makes us feel unwanted, someone who just with one sentence degrades your confidence, your value, or makes you feel pity about yourself, we need atleast one person to say it's ok...
        It's ok if we lack some knowledge, if we are facing problems in understanding some vocabulary, if we are unaware of today's economical status, if we are bad at dressing up, if we do not understand what shoes will go with our outfit, if we mistakenly type 1+2 = 5, if we forget some capitals of states, if we forget who ruled India in 1500s, if we forget when is our bestfriends birthday, if we are suffering from some illness, if we are not being able to gain attention of people, if we aren't someone liked by many, if we are all alone standing like a loner, if we wanna exit and restart, if we wanna quit our job, sit back and relax, It's ok...
          What is not ok, is someone underestimating your weak time at this moment. You will achieve everything. Just wait. Sometimes things aren't according to our timings. Patience is a key. You will get up and be stronger. So, it's be yourself.. This will make you shine once again like a star.
   So, if someone didn't tell you yet, I will,
                  It's ok to be you..! 


  1. Beautifully quoted the idea of being okay. I believe if there is no one to say it's okay. You yourself is slef sufficient in doing the above.

    1. Indeed we can do it by ourself.. A man himself is his/her teacher..❤

  2. As always fabulous 💙


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