Soulmates, an over rated word. What is it exactly? Your twin mate? Your giver? The one who knows you, in and out? Your twin soul?? Oh no, that can only be done by God. So, what is this soulmate??? I have seen so many couples calling each other soulmates.
Well, I personally believe that soulmates are just normal human beings with whom you share positive energies. The one with whom you are not going to be judged for being foolish. The one with whom you don't have to measure your words. But again, why this person only have to be your other half in terms of relationship. Soulmate could be anyone who could possibly do anything that you like. Have you ever thought while saying, we vibe. Actually you don't vibe, you just love the person adjusting the way you wanted someone to be. So basically the one who matches your benchmark becomes your so called soulmate. But is the person your soulmate? Seriously?? I believe he/she is just your expectational doll. The one who stands upto your mark or way of thinking. The one you would probably be happy to spend your whole life with, because he/she listens and get adapted to your expectations. But why stop us over there, why not go for someone who doesn't vibe? Or maybe someone for whom you would make some drifts in your lifestyle, the one for whom you keep your ego aside, the one you comfort, and not the one you are getting comforted, if this process continues maybe even you could then be a fit to become someone else's SOULMATE..
Soulmates are nothing but just a mindset. The more you accept to be like someone the more you would vibe. The more you would give, the more you would receive, and ofcouse you could always drag yourself from one point to another instead of changing someone else to your expectations..Again, do not set yourself into someone else's benchmark. Do it naturally if you feel so.
Think about it...!


  1. The article is superb. The concept of soul mate is actually very deep which has been described very well. Even an unknown person can be soul mate if simply his presence can turn our energies to higher level of dimensions. The topic very well explained by you.
    well done and best wishes from


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