Mind is never stable they say..But I say, why do we need to keep it stable? Let those thousand thoughts wander each time you get even a millisecond to think.
Think of the wonders you might create. Let it keep wandering here and there. Once we stop that hustle, things would get boring.
Here's an example:-
You wake up, do your day routine, This is it???
If this is it, you are missing a lot in life, my friend.
Mind is something that will make you travel thousands of miles just to get a cute glance of the person you love.
It is something that will help you in hugging your crush without even seeking a permission. It will help you go through the same hallway of love once again and relive it. Maybe, will even let you think of the special memories shared with your ex.
And stating the obvious many more things too, which you might also go through.😉
Have you received an imaginary award in your bathroom by your favourite celebrity?
And thanked to your imaginary fan crowd for supporting you..?
Yea..? Next time try for an Oscar or a Nobel Prize.. I would say prepare a speech..That's fun..


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