Independent : For you, against you ?

Being a girl since childhood we are always burdened and are asked to focus on looks and learning but never told why. Why do we need to groom ourself. Is it just to be presentable or to be accepted in a patriarchal society. Because even the art of cleaning ourself isn't for us. It's for someone on whom we are going to be dependent losing our identity. Independent, Really ?
When was the last time we felt that yes today is the day only and only dedicated to ourself ladies. We keep stretching our life that we aren't even living it for us.
It's time to buckle up women. We need to realise we are not a restricted person who is going to be in a room like a dolled up play toy just to follow the responsibility of being a daughter, wife & mother. Sitting in office dreaming what food you are going to cook after reaching home isn't independence. We deserve a moment! A moment where we are independent for our own self. We need to realise what we like. Enjoy the ambience at work place, not some stupid thing at home.
We are our own proud. No one is going to tell this to us. Time to shut the society and give a moment to appreciate yourself. Your own self deserves to be pampered. Your own self, deserves the treatment, that you kept giving to less required category if your life. Shine bright. 


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