Oh Good God !

 I had been on a vacation long back where i met an amazing personality who was a total believer of God. I asked him what is God to you. An ultimate power? Or your rescuer? He said, To me God is the faith that I have. I was shook by his answer. Deepened meaning thought was an eye opener but i was more curious now. So, i trickyly asked him, FAITH. What faith's. I wanted him to elaborate it. Apparently, he replied me. Long back when he was kid and his mom was ill suffering from cancer, she kept saying him to pray to God and he kept doing it. At her funeral, he was shattered and finally he stopped believing in God. He kept thinking he was asking God to keep her safe with him not somewhere else. Later, he met someone in his life. And the perspective changed for him forever. I kept questioning him until he concluded. There's no starting or end point of this defination, God is there or not i don't know. But the faith i have within myself is something that makes me believe that my inner conscious is answering me in the form of some ultimate power. For him any statue or a photo doesn't define God. A belief does. I couldn't agree more to it.
Reading upanishads i found out that there's no start point or findings that state when was it written the first person reading it has many generations who kept thinking they were the first ones to read them. But, till now the exact date or year hasn't been mentioned yet that gives us the proof.
Faith, in the power of within. Believing God is within, is what I learnt that day. 


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